Philips Assembleon MG-1R |
MG-1R dzięki głowicy z ośmioma
niezależnymi ssawkami zapewnia idealną równowagę dla montażu zarówno
układów scalonych jak i szybkiego
montażu elementów pasywnych.
Maszyna zapewnia dużą wydajność - do
24 tysięcy elementów na godzinę.
Precyzja układania elementów to 3
mikrometry. Możliwy jest montaż zarówno małych elementów od rozmiaru 01005
aż do dużych złącz (45x100mm),
układów fine pitch oraz elementów o wysokości do 15mm.
MG-1R można uzbroić w 96 podajniki taśmowe, umożliwia również montaż
elementów dostarczonych luzem bądź pakowanych w laski.
Thanks to a high precision single placement beam that carries
eight independent Z-servo controlled heads, the MG-1R provides a perfect balance between chip and
IC shooting. It is available in two versions: one with a Flying Nozzle Change
(FNC) head for when many nozzle changes are needed and high output is important,
the other with a Super Fine (SF) head for use with a wider component range
including QFPs, connectors and tall components.
With placement rates up to 24k components per hour, the
MG-1R is fast. Placement accuracy is
30 microns for ICs. It handles a wide range of components from 01005 to large
connectors (45 x 100 mm), fine-pitch and components up to 15 mm tall. The
MG-1R holds up to 96 tape feeders,
including stick and bulk parts.
Main benefits
The standard comes with software and hardware features to
improve product quality, increase production efficiency and reduces maintenance,
- Z-Servo controlled placement heads for accurate stress-free
component mounting.
- Automatic board width and thickness adjustment for fast
- Automatic nozzle cleaning station.
- Automatic temperature feedback to compensate for temperature
- Fiducial recovery function that eliminates the need to remove
and clean the PCB.
- Feeder indicators that facilitate easy setup and reduce feeder
- Double board support system for reducing board transfer time.